Sunday, June 21, 2009

Smiling with the Girls

The last two weeks have brought visits from one set grandparents and Mom's closest friend (all the way from California). They not only did a LOT to help around the house but also, for some reason, felt compelled to spend considerable time ooing and cooing over the girls. On this Father's Day, we are proud to share these pictures of them because the girls are just too great for Daddy (and Mommy) to keep to themselves.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

New photos

Some new photos of our little ladies below, taken June 8, which marked the start of their fourth week home. All is going well. They are nursing every couple hours 24 hours a day, which means Mommy is working hard, helped with great care by our cousin Kendall -- thank you Kendall! -- and with Daddy playing the role all fathers do at this stage in life, namely as back-up cast.

It is wonderful to see our baby girls grow a little every day, and to marvel at how alike they look the closer they get in weight. As of last week, our first visit to the pediatrician since we came home from the NICU, Danni weighs 4lbs 4 ounces and Rory weighs 5 lbs 2 ounces. Can you tell them apart without a label? So far, we can. So far.

The wine picture, by the way, is purely for proportion's sake. It happened to be handy. Fear not, they are nursing ONLY on Mommy's milk.