Thursday, November 26, 2009


On Thanksgiving Day, the only appropriate entry is for us to recognize our beloved Kendall for all her help this year. Kendall, cousin to the Momma, true friend to both of us, arrived here in late March to help us for a few months as we acclimated to having triplets at home. Little did any of us know what this commitment would mean. She has been with us -- beside us and behind us, in the deepest sense of the terms -- every step of the way. She decided to stay, even, through 2009, and has been a help in more ways than any of us ever imagined. We are truly thankful to her, and today want to celebrate her with entries from four lovely pictures of her and the girls taken back when the professional photographer was here in July.

Kendall indicated when she arrived that she would be glad to help, but she wasn't crazy about babies. Looking at these pictures of her with the girls, we can't but wonder: hmmm, really?

We love you Kendall.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Little Pumpkins

Trick or treat, from our little pumpkins, below.