Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Eight months and counting

Kendall headed out Sunday, concluding more than eight months with us of being nothing but a huge help in every regard. During those months, she took a slew of photos of the girls on her cell phone. So here in 36 pictures are eight months, in no particular order, of our little girls. Can you tell which is which, when? Always? Really?....

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Sisters in Action, Sisters at Rest

The last few weeks our little girls have been developing an increasing fascination with each other -- each other's hands, each other's eyes, and, naturally, each other's toys. The other day, as we sat with them on our laps facing each other, Danni did her darnedest to put Rory's hand in her mouth. Rory didn't seem to mind at all. And when their paternal grandparents visited over Thanksgiving, they brought the girls' first Christmas gifts -- and what seemed to interest each girl most, besides the wrapping paper, was the present her sister was opening. Tonight, we're posting one recent photo of each of our little ladies in action, including Danni's carrying dinner and her sister waiting for it, or so it seems, as well as a picture of the growing pals together, plus a picture of them taken this summer by the professional photographer we've mentioned previously. Note their matching ears -- crimped just like one of their Daddy's ears is. Aren't they lucky?