Thursday, July 22, 2010

Water Bugs

Well as we approach the two-month mark without an entry on this blog, we thought it was time for a quick update and a few photos. The girls are walking like crazy now, and have officially decided walking is better than crawling on all fours, although let's face it, crawling on all fours can still come in awfully handy sometimes. They had been experimenting with taking 5, 10, 15 steps at a time, and then two weeks ago, on a memorable Friday, we watched as they stood up in the playpen and it was almost as if we could see them concluding: Yes, we shall walk. And away they went.

So with walking nearly mastered (and running not far behind, by all signs), Rory and Danni have decided it's time to begin thinking about the next mode of transportation. Driving laws being what they are, the girls for the time being seem to have chosen swimming as the next mode. On our recent vacation to Ithaca, we brought them into a running stream beneath Cornell Plantations, and they loved it. Back home, we had already taken them for their first dip in our pool, and their faces lit up with joy, so much so that we try to make swimming a daily event. Meanwhile, the kiddie pool out back provides lots of opportunities for splashing. Occasionally the girls decide to dip their heads under water just to see what happens. And when the brook, the pool, and the kiddie pool aren't available, there is always bath time, which they just love.

These shots capture some moments from the little mermaids' recent swimming expeditions, plus one shot just to prove, if only to ourselves, that in fact sometimes the girls do sleep.