Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

For Halloween, the girls decided to dress up as two of their favorite people: Rex and Jett, our dogs. A few pictures are below of them in outfits hand-fashioned by their maternal grandmother through the wee hours of the week leading up to the day of tricks and treats. That's Rory as Rex (part Gordon Setter, part Springer Spaniel, a tiny bit of Burnese Mountain, and all dog) and Danni as Jett (mostly Nova Scotia Duck Trolling Retriever, partly human). The girls had over a few little friends on the Saturday before Halloween too, including one little boy, Dylan, who joined their menagerie as a very effectively dressed chicken. Fowl and furry friends got along great.

Monday, October 11, 2010

A full day

Rory likes singing her name, which she pronounces perfectly, to herself in a beautiful singsong. It means her, and it means Danni. It means someone who reaches up to you with open arms for a hug that must be given.

Danni's favorite word is "babies." It means her, it means Rory, it means her reflection in the glass of a dishwasher, stove or window. It means someone squeezable.

They will walk across the room to hug each other.

They have begun riding scooters, which they push along the floor with their little feet. They can carry their scooters across the room with one hand.

They like climbing up and down the futon mattress that is now part of their play area -- which has spread to include the kitchen, dining room, and den (trust us Grandmas, they are all baby proofed!), since they have fully outgrown the play pen.

They can climb down off of the bed: they turn themselves over and slide down. They will climb onto a couch if they get the chance. They love running around the kitchen island, or being dragged around the room in tiny cloth boxes as if at an amusement park.

They got their first boo-boos, Rory on her chin, Danni near her eye.

They have begun enjoying hide 'n' seek, which they play with their Daddy, the growling monster waiting around the corner that they charge alone and in tandem to discover, only to burst into high-pitched laughter as soon as they meet him eye to eye.

They feed themselves with a spoon (although their aim could use some work), and gosh does Momma make them awesome food.

They are growing up so, so fast. And they make us laugh so dang much it hurts. Here, enjoy these pictures and see for yourself.