Sunday, November 21, 2010


First rides on a slide, first climbs through a tunnel -- because it was the first trip to the park (which they love; just TRY and stop 'em from climbing) -- first haircut, and first phone call (well, they DO put the phone to their ears and say "hello"), and close encounters (really close, as you'll see) with some of the dogs in their lives, plus the first time teaching their grandpa to read (he'll get it yet, just give him some time) -- all captured here. They're growing sooooo fast!

How fast you ask? They had their latest pediatrician's visit last week, and, at 19 months and a week, the numbers are: they're around 34.5 inches tall and 29 pounds. The word the doctor used was "thriving." "Keep doing whatever you're doing," he said. We figure he meant keep taking them to the park.