Saturday, December 20, 2008

The gender revealed

Yesterday, December 19, we had our most recent ultrasound, and learned that it is very likely we are having one boy and identical twin girls. The boy is definitely (DEFINITELY) a boy. The doc wasn't 100% ready to say the other two were girls, but the best evidence on the ultrasound right now is that in fact that is the case. And since we know for sure there is a pair of identical twins, and it has looked from the beginning like the two closest together are the twins, this is a pretty safe bet. 

This is great news, and we are thrilled. Meanwhile, the visit was encouraging on all counts -- the size (one six ounces, the other two five ounces), heartbeats (first 150 bpm, the other two 147 bpm -- like we said, identical... --), activity level, and the rest were all positive. And they indeed were active the entire time. We couldn't help thinking that at one point a little one gave us a high five. We'll get a picture of that up here soon.

The mother is gaining weight nicely, thank you very much. This is good news, as she has had a rough few weeks of nausea, finally having to go on an anti-vomiting medicine because gaining weight is so important.

1 comment:

  1. So excited for you both! Thank you for this blog. Will be following you here for sure! Big hugs.
