Monday, May 18, 2009


As described below, with Leo's passing, we decided to create the Leo Francis Mackey Memorial Fund in his memory. All contributions will be donated to help young children in need. We are thankful to all the generous donors that have already contributed to this fund and for the impact on young lives that your caring will have in Leo's name. We have been profoundly touched by these expressions of generosity, and wanted to share one story of this giving with you which perhaps sums up how kind these gifts are.

The maternal grandma of Leo, Rory and Danni is a teacher at Liberty Elementary School in Caledonia, Ohio. She and we were stunned to learn last week that her colleagues across the staff, from the custodial team to the teachers and administration, had organized a collection for this fund. They raised the amazing sum of $650. These gifts come from individuals who never had the joy of meeting Leo, yet, through his grandmother and family, became connected to him. Their sympathy and generosity will, through this fund, help other young children in need, and on behalf of our beloved son and his sisters, we express our deepest thanks to them for reaching out to touch other lives so thoughtfully.

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