Monday, February 22, 2010

The girls at work and play

At 10 1/2 months, the girls have become eating, crawling, exploring, non-stop motion-machines. Did we mention eating? Our little ladies eat A LOT, twice a day consuming enough peas, carrots and rice or millet cereal to stuff a sack, so to speak. Maybe it's because the colors of their food look like the Irish flag? Either way, they love the mush. It gives them more energy to nurse a few times a day, to pull themselves along on their bellies at any object in sight, and, as these pictures show, even to read and do laundry when they're not, apparently, discussing the day's menu.

We are confident they are working their way up to mastering another skill, sleeping through the night. For now, that's not quite happening though, but we did manage to get one quick shot of them at rest, before they awoke again -- time for more peas! Here we see our dear friend and family member Father Jim Stanley (the man who married us) visiting from Ireland two weeks ago to make sure Rory got her dinner the way she likes it, by the spoonful.

Crawling?! Yes, two-a-half weeks ago, they went mobile, and now already are ready for an obstacle course. More on that coming soon.

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