Friday, April 23, 2010

Sound and Motion

These days the girls' favorite exercise is pulling themselves to a standing position. They'll do it against whatever surface they can find -- the fencing of their playpen, the rails of their cribs, each other, the leg of Mom or Dad. It is only a matter of time before they are sprinting around the house.

But their primary means of locomotion is still the belly crawl. They've gotten so good at it, it now takes about a high-speed camera to capture them in motion. Every now and then, just to spice things up even more, they get on their hands and knees and zip past.

As our little babies pick up speed, we look back fondly on when they were just beginning to go mobile. On February 3, the girls first crawled. We happened to have the video recorder going that night. So here are their first crawls, live on video. First Danni, then Rory, demonstrates the power of will.

Thrilled by the capacity to get on their own from one place to another, they had within weeks created their own new game together -- playing tag. If the sound effects of their laughter don't make you smile, just hang on for the kicking legs with which they celebrate having fun side by side.

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