Monday, May 31, 2010

A Memorable Day

Today, the girls were continuing their practice standing. When one daughter looked her Daddy in the eye as he sat a couple feet away in the playpen, reached out a hand for his and, without hesitation, took a few hesitant steps, and then more. Her face beamed with excitement. Daddy was speechless. And she did not want to stop. Daddy rose to his feet. She kept her hand in his, lightly, barely, and there she was, walking with her father back and forth across the pen, one little foot after the other. Then Daddy noticed her sister watching, her face full of curiosity, her smile wide. She wanted to try too, and without leaning on anything, she rose to her feet and held out her hands to Daddy as her sister sat down for a rest. Now her hands were in Daddy's, and she took her turn, and soon, there they were, both of them, stepping forward, and they didn't want to stop: when one was walking with her hand (or hands) in her Daddy's, the other was rising to her feet, waiting for her turn. Back and forth they went, one after the other, journey after journey, and sometimes together, one hand in each of Dad's, all three of them walking together. Their Dad was shaking his head in disbelief, calling for their Momma. She knew something was up. She entered the room wondering what...and there were her daughters walking with their Daddy.


Then, just an hour later, Mom reached into one of the girl's mouths and found it: her first tooth! That explains the last week of rough sleeping.

That explains why we will always remember this Memorial Day.

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