Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Diapers Ahoy

Below is the image father-to-be came home to on Monday, as the washing of the infant diapers has begun. Washing, you say? Yes, indeed, for we are going to use cloth diapers -- or at least give it our absolute best effort. They're far more economical as well as more comfortable for baby (ies) than disposables. They're better for the environment too, which doesn't hurt. They're also made remarkably well these days, much better than the old days when they basically consisted of a thick piece of cotton meant to be mathematically folded at perfect Euclidian angles and shrewdly pinned, with all sorts of inclement weather waiting to happen.

Velcro rules.

Today, as you can see, cloth diapers come in pretty colors too.

Thanks to generous baby shower gifts and contacts with some Moms of multiples, we have stacked up a profound supply of these little gems, as well as two "Bum Geniuses." Words don't do the Bum Genius justice. Look it up and enjoy.

When we tell people who know we are having triplets that we will be using cloth diapers, they generally spontaneously exclaim in surprise (especially the Moms). But when they learn that we don't have a diaper service in this area, something more remarkable happens (only to the Moms): they gasp and, before they even realize they have done it, put their hands over their mouths. Like you see people do at horror shows.

We're actually starting to enjoy witnessing the shock.

Rest assured, friends and family: on visits, we will use disposables. But, in the meantime, if you're in the area, bring your clothespins....

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