Wednesday, April 1, 2009

1 out of 100

Momma-to-be went to the hospital last Friday for her weekly check-up, and she didn't get out until Sunday. Why? Because the doctors saw signs of preeclampsia, which can be quite dangerous, and decided to take a closer look. Preeclampsia is common, particularly at this point of a pregnancy, for moms carrying triplets, and we had been cautioned by the doctor that this could happen. Forty-eight hours, multiple tests (checking data like protein and sugar levels), and a few encouraging conversations with our doctor later, the results were...signs of the mildest preeclampsia (for all intents and purposes given the normal experiences of moms of multiples, a great outcome) that allowed a return home with a prescription to rest but to continue getting up on her feet at least every two hours to avoid blood clots.

And we learned this: based on the wide range of data the doctor gathered from the weekend of testing, she concluded that there is only a 1 in 100 chance that we would deliver in two weeks or less. So in its own strange way, the visit led to great promise that we will at least get to week 33, which is longer than average for triplets and would ensure even further healthy development of the little ones.

We also learned that every day the children stay with Momma from here on out saves another three days in the NICU.

Below we've included a new picture to inaugurate another milestone week. As you can see, in the last week, everything has changed, sizewise, that is. Momma has entered a whole new level of large.

We're getting there -- but still in no hurry!

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