Thursday, July 30, 2009

Darling outfits

Below, a photo from this evening, July 30, of the girls together, dressed the same on one of the rare occasions we've done that. As you may be able to tell, they have really started smiling these days. And in case you need a hint to tell them apart: that's Rory on the left and Danni on the right.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

The Leo Francis Mackey Memorial Fund

We had no idea when we set this fund up after Leo passed away that it would quickly raise more than $5,000 in his name. We are humbled and touched deeply by this generosity, especially since it honors a child very few of the donors even got to meet. We struggle each day to come to grips with what happened to Leo, and have been moved time and again by the kindnesses of those who have reached out to us, especially those who have lost their own children and have been so courageous and compassionate as to share their experiences with us.

We have written to each of the donors, but want everyone to know how grateful we are for all the support and love you have sent our way. There are no words to describe what it is like to be blessed by having our daughters in our arms even as the hole formed by Leo's loss fills us with grief. There are also no words to describe how much we appreciate the kindnesses and support from our family, friends and colleagues, except to say, from the bottom of our hearts, thank you.

If you are new to this blog, as we continue to hear from people who are new readers, we invite you to read the previous entry below about Leo posted shortly after the service for him.

We wanted to allocate the contributions to the Leo Francis Mackey Memorial Fund in a way that would help children in need and would have a clear impact, and thanks to the generosity of the donors, have been able to make several contributions in Leo's name. These contributions will expend the full resources of the current contributions. At the same time, since contributions continue to arrive, we also intend to keep this fund open and extend its support for other children in Leo's name.

The current recipients we have chosen are

1. The Ronald McDonald House of Danville, PA. This house is opposite the hospital where our children were born. During the 41 days our children spent in the NICU, the Ronald McDonald House was our home away from home, providing a nearby site to grab a quick couple hours of sleep or a quick meal. The gift from Leo's fund will be used to purchase the following:
-Two cribs
-Four strollers
-Children's activity table w/chairs
-Bean Bags for the children's playroom
-Medicine fridge
-Two roll-away beds
-Some new lighting

They will be placing a plaque in Leo's honor in the house.

2. Union County Public Library. Colleagues at Leo's father's office kindly donated a number of children's books to the library containing a book plaque in honor of Leo, and we were inspired by that example to buy the library a special board-book shelf for books used almost exclusively by children under two years old. A picture of one is here.

The library will be placing a plaque in Leo's honor on the shelf.

3. A scholarship contribution to the Batahola Norte Cultural Center in Managua, Nicaragua. Bucknell has a 10-year relationship with the area through the Bucknell Brigade, which has provided extensive support for Nueva Vida, a nearby desperately poor community devastated more than a decade ago by Hurricane Mitch. This cultural center provides support to help children in the community develop their interest in and talent for the arts -- including an artist who recently visited Bucknell to paint a mural commemorating the anniversary of the brigade. See this site.

We make this gift in particular as an expression of thanks for the many friends and colleagues at Bucknell who not only contributed to the Leo fund but who have also been so kind throughout this tumultuous time.

If you would like to make a gift to the fund, the donation information is below in the earlier post about it.

Thank you.

Thursday, July 23, 2009


Tuesday, July 21 brought us to the doctor for the girls' three-month check-up. They are gaining weight "wonderfully," in the pediatrician's words, and doing well. Rory now weighs 7 lbs. 12.9 ounces, and Danni 6 lbs, 3.4 ounces, and each around 20 inches head to foot.

With their increased size, we have officially moved from the disposable premie diapers to the cloth diapers, marking a whole new adventure in diaper changing. But our skill level in this area is now considerable, with Mommy in particular capable of changing two diapers while fully asleep and in the darkness in under 30 seconds. We are looking into whether there is a sports federation in which she can compete.

But the really exciting news, the kind of news that turns a parent to goo and a grandparent to a babbling mess: the girls are now smiling. These aren't gas smiles either. These are real, honest-to-goodness smiles. They aren't responding yet to our gestures, other than to getting calm (sometimes) when we sing to them (they seem to have a remarkable capacity to ignore Daddy's extraordinary knack for being off-key), but sometimes, there it is: a smile all their own.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Three months

Today the girls turned three months old. They are doing well, growing, changing, fussing and sleeping like they should -- and nursing from Momma about every 2 hours. Momma is one dedicated and tough gal, Pappa says proudly.

Every day we see something new in the girls, and the girls discover something new, like a mirror, a light, the back of a sister's head. Last week, for example, Rory noticed one of our dogs, vividly, clearly, for the first time, turning her eyes to wonder who and what that wonderful black- and white-faced creature staring at her from inches away was. It was Rex, of course, who seems to have taken particular responsibility for checking on Rory regularly. Meanwhile, Danni and Rory increasingly show distinctive personalities, and signs of auburn hair in both seem to be appearing. Their Grandpas have red hair, so we'll see where these hints lead.

We recently received photos from a visit in late May of the girls' maternal grandparents, and are happy to share four photos from the visit below, including a shot of Danni with the man after whom she was named, known to one and all as Danny, and to Rory and Danni as Grandpa. So who is really holding whom in the palm of her hands?