Thursday, July 23, 2009


Tuesday, July 21 brought us to the doctor for the girls' three-month check-up. They are gaining weight "wonderfully," in the pediatrician's words, and doing well. Rory now weighs 7 lbs. 12.9 ounces, and Danni 6 lbs, 3.4 ounces, and each around 20 inches head to foot.

With their increased size, we have officially moved from the disposable premie diapers to the cloth diapers, marking a whole new adventure in diaper changing. But our skill level in this area is now considerable, with Mommy in particular capable of changing two diapers while fully asleep and in the darkness in under 30 seconds. We are looking into whether there is a sports federation in which she can compete.

But the really exciting news, the kind of news that turns a parent to goo and a grandparent to a babbling mess: the girls are now smiling. These aren't gas smiles either. These are real, honest-to-goodness smiles. They aren't responding yet to our gestures, other than to getting calm (sometimes) when we sing to them (they seem to have a remarkable capacity to ignore Daddy's extraordinary knack for being off-key), but sometimes, there it is: a smile all their own.

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