Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Three months

Today the girls turned three months old. They are doing well, growing, changing, fussing and sleeping like they should -- and nursing from Momma about every 2 hours. Momma is one dedicated and tough gal, Pappa says proudly.

Every day we see something new in the girls, and the girls discover something new, like a mirror, a light, the back of a sister's head. Last week, for example, Rory noticed one of our dogs, vividly, clearly, for the first time, turning her eyes to wonder who and what that wonderful black- and white-faced creature staring at her from inches away was. It was Rex, of course, who seems to have taken particular responsibility for checking on Rory regularly. Meanwhile, Danni and Rory increasingly show distinctive personalities, and signs of auburn hair in both seem to be appearing. Their Grandpas have red hair, so we'll see where these hints lead.

We recently received photos from a visit in late May of the girls' maternal grandparents, and are happy to share four photos from the visit below, including a shot of Danni with the man after whom she was named, known to one and all as Danny, and to Rory and Danni as Grandpa. So who is really holding whom in the palm of her hands?

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