Sunday, October 25, 2009

In Motion

The girls continue growing and getting stronger, and in a week, at our next doctor's visit, we'll have their latest weights. Bets anyone?

Both are getting good at holding up their own heads and reaching for things, and are now learning to sit up, and we continue teaching them how to crawl, although sometimes we cannot help but think educating them in mobility is a highly questionable goal. They love smiling, which means so do we, and continue to experiment with numerous run-on vowels, sometimes for hours, as they work their way toward language. Meanwhile, they have cool rides that require no work from them at all -- one a new baby sling, and the other a rockin' chair they both enjoy, especially Rory, since as the big sister she is able to pull free from its hiding place the little stuffed bee that turns this chair into a hide-n-go seek too. Here they are in today's pictures, cruising in these rides, up close and personal.

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