Thursday, October 8, 2009

Motor Skills

In the last two weeks, the girls have taken major developmental steps forward -- reaching their arms forward to grab toys and pull them to their mouths, preferring to sit facing out against our chests rather than staring over shoulders, and laying on their bellies and lifting their heads to look around them for many minutes at a time. As our parental education has taught us, including the special guidance of a helpful physical therapist for premature infants, the capacity to make these motions at these times are all positive markers of the girls' motor skills and muscle strength advancing just as they should. Time seems to be flying, though, and every day the girls show us they are older, stronger, and more confident.

So, what do we present today? Pictures of them lying on their backs. Hey, what can we say: it's easier to take pictures this way. Although we are including a shot of a recent stroll with the girls in their "Berg," the all-terrain vehicle we bought as a jogging stroller for our triplets back during our pregnant days (p.s. the couple we bought it from on E-bay have a five-year old, a one-year old, and quadruplets on the way. Anyone tired yet?). See below for the girls styling in it. They really seem to like it -- and all we keep wondering is how quickly will the girls be asking to borrow the car keys?

1 comment:

  1. All great news! Thank you so much for keeping up with the blog and posting pictures, I love seeing the girls- and so does everyone else!

    Love you guys
