Friday, January 16, 2009

Full Anatomical Scan

The girls danced, the boy was just hanging out, and our friendly ultrasound expert did her 90-minute look that led to another good visit to the doc's. Everyone looks great, down to their little fingers and toes. Full confirmation as well: a boy and two girls (identical twins).

They're all growing well, with each at the normal growth rate for what the doc calls a "singleton" -- which is ideal. The boy is 14 ounces, one girl is 12 ounces, and the other is 11 ounces. We could see them all rubbing up against each other and feeling around in their unique environment. As a friend said, "It's crowded in there." 

We got lots of pictures, and will be loading some here in the days to come. The word is out on campus and in the community as well, and people have been wonderfully kind, supportive and enthusiastic. And lots of volunteers for babysitting -- of which we are taking note!

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