Friday, January 2, 2009

Latest doctor's visit

Our scheduled check-up today went well. Or, in the words of the doc, "Everything looks great." Heartbeats are all 147 bpm, which the nurse doing the ultrasound called "rare," and which we find kind of cool that all three are so much in sync. This was only a quick visit though, designed to make sure everything major is looking right on, as it is. The next ultrasound is January 16, which is the full anatomical scan.

Meanwhile, the mother-to-be is gaining weight nicely, having put on 11 pounds in the last 14 days, which is excellent. A special thanks to the good fare of the holidays! 

Naturally, a celebratory dinner of pasta and vegetables was called for. During dinner, the threesome again showed their busy side, as they tend to do early in the evenings, rolling and turning, getting their aerobics in before it got too late in the evening -- or maybe just doing a little dance to welcome the latest meal.  

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