Saturday, January 31, 2009

Latest photos

Five new photos today:

Two mark the passage of week 21, a photo of one of the girls in utero. We can't help but admit that she's incredibly cute.

And Mom, dressed up and ready to go.

This was also an eventful week in one regard as it had us rushing to the hospital Tuesday evening because of Braxton Hicks contractions, which tend to emerge around this time during the carrying of multiples. The doctor had advised that if they reached more than four per hour it was important to come in, and Tuesday night, that happened, so en route we were. All checked out just fine. They did a pelvic exam as well as checking the babies' heartbeats, which remain in the high 140, low 150 range, which is excellent. The rest of the week we have not faced the Braxton Hicks contractions, which is good, and we are hopeful that has now passed.

This Thursday also brought the latest check-up, and that again went well and produced a picture of each of the threesome, including the profile of one of our little girls included here.

Also here: two photos of the magic belly, one week apart, at the start of week 21 and week 22. 

Finally: A milestone: Dad-to-be arrived home from work this week to find Mom-to-be noting that she had dropped something and needed him to bend down and pick it up. She is officially too big for bending over. This is good news!

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