Thursday, February 5, 2009

An important week approaches

We have learned along this arc of discovery that week 24 is an important week. That is 12 days away. Why is it important? Because at week 24, even in the event our little ones were born that week, science has advanced to the point that there would be an 85% chance of their surviving. Now, in the grand scheme this is forbidding. Because our goal is to make it to week 35 -- the first week of May. But we are learning a lot about multiples, and with that date so close, and our having come so far since those earliest days last fall, the fact that we are on the verge of a momentous transition like week 24 is potent.

Meanwhile, on happier subjects, a new pic of the Magic Belly of the Mom-to-be is posted below. To think that how big she will be by week 35 -- well, we prefer not to think about it, actually. One day at a time, as the saying goes.

One of the little girls is tossing and turning like crazy tonight. They seem to take turns every now and then doing their utero dances, and tonight one of the little ladies is getting jiggy. You go girl.

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