Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Tonight was among the best nights of this experience, as we met for dinner with a group of moms of multiples -- five moms with twins and one with triplets (two girls and a boy to boot) -- who kindly had invited us to join them. The children's ages range from 15 months to 9 1/2 years.

It was so meaningful and uplifting because of the thundering joy they all felt at being the parents of multiples. They reveled in the uniqueness of the experience, of seeing their kids form extraordinary bonds as they grew up together, of the constant suprises, so much so that they could hardly imagine it any different. As one of them put it, "If I had to do it all over again knowing I would have twins, I would do it in a second." Whatever demands the experience will bring, and we have no illusions about that, we also know that we will feel as one of the moms said when she put it all in perspective, "You'll love it so much, you won't even notice the work."

They shared some wonderful insights from their experience besides, about delivery day, choosing names, diapers, local pediatricians, breastfeeding, stroller gear, best minivans for multiples, sleeping arrangements, school enrollment (i.e., do you insist the school keep your twins together? your triplets?), and more.

And we got to see pictures of their little ones to boot.

To top it all off, today marks the start of week 24. Yes.

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