Friday, February 13, 2009

Latest doctor's visit

Another smashing success of a doctor's visit. We're getting spoiled by these, but we're not complaining.

The little ones are becoming bigger ones at a perfect pace -- the boy is now 27 ounces, one girl is 25 ounces, and the second girl is 24 ounces. These are super numbers, as are the growth rates, which are nicely just ahead of normal growth rates for a singleton, which is perfect for triplets. Meanwhile, the heart rates for all three are in the 150s (beats/minute), which is also ideal. Mom-to-be is also gaining weight just as she should -- a lovely four pounds more in the last week. The doctor couldn't be more pleased. This check-up can only be called super.

By the way, if you add them all up, our babies now total 76 ounces, or 4.75 pounds, so Momma, at 24 weeks and 2 days, is now carrying what could be considered the equivalent of a full baby. We say that with a big smile. And she is looking good too!

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