Monday, February 23, 2009

A series of good developments

We are rapidly approaching the start of week 26 this Wednesday, February 25, with Momma doing well. It's been more than a week since the last posting, so here is a quick summary of the latest:

-- a trip to Westfield, NJ on Valentine's Day brought a host of generous hand-me-downs from friends of our sister-in-law who had been kindly gathering them up for weeks, including two baby seats, a custom-made side-by-side jogging stroller for three, and two cribs, all of it in incredible shape.
-- that trip also introduced Pappa to his first triplets. It's one thing to read about triplets; it's quite another to meet them. This was two identical girls and a boy, now four-years old. The energy level was intense, and Pappa got a little taste of the fun and wildness to come.
-- our in-laws visited for a few days and did some more helpful work around the house, including taking the nursery a few more steps to readiness.
-- another doctor's visit included all good news.

Momma has definitely reached the stage now where every day is an achievement, as she grows practically by the hour. We'll post a new picture below soon. We appreciate all the thoughts and prayers as we have entered the phase where every week is another milestone.

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