Sunday, November 21, 2010


First rides on a slide, first climbs through a tunnel -- because it was the first trip to the park (which they love; just TRY and stop 'em from climbing) -- first haircut, and first phone call (well, they DO put the phone to their ears and say "hello"), and close encounters (really close, as you'll see) with some of the dogs in their lives, plus the first time teaching their grandpa to read (he'll get it yet, just give him some time) -- all captured here. They're growing sooooo fast!

How fast you ask? They had their latest pediatrician's visit last week, and, at 19 months and a week, the numbers are: they're around 34.5 inches tall and 29 pounds. The word the doctor used was "thriving." "Keep doing whatever you're doing," he said. We figure he meant keep taking them to the park.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

For Halloween, the girls decided to dress up as two of their favorite people: Rex and Jett, our dogs. A few pictures are below of them in outfits hand-fashioned by their maternal grandmother through the wee hours of the week leading up to the day of tricks and treats. That's Rory as Rex (part Gordon Setter, part Springer Spaniel, a tiny bit of Burnese Mountain, and all dog) and Danni as Jett (mostly Nova Scotia Duck Trolling Retriever, partly human). The girls had over a few little friends on the Saturday before Halloween too, including one little boy, Dylan, who joined their menagerie as a very effectively dressed chicken. Fowl and furry friends got along great.

Monday, October 11, 2010

A full day

Rory likes singing her name, which she pronounces perfectly, to herself in a beautiful singsong. It means her, and it means Danni. It means someone who reaches up to you with open arms for a hug that must be given.

Danni's favorite word is "babies." It means her, it means Rory, it means her reflection in the glass of a dishwasher, stove or window. It means someone squeezable.

They will walk across the room to hug each other.

They have begun riding scooters, which they push along the floor with their little feet. They can carry their scooters across the room with one hand.

They like climbing up and down the futon mattress that is now part of their play area -- which has spread to include the kitchen, dining room, and den (trust us Grandmas, they are all baby proofed!), since they have fully outgrown the play pen.

They can climb down off of the bed: they turn themselves over and slide down. They will climb onto a couch if they get the chance. They love running around the kitchen island, or being dragged around the room in tiny cloth boxes as if at an amusement park.

They got their first boo-boos, Rory on her chin, Danni near her eye.

They have begun enjoying hide 'n' seek, which they play with their Daddy, the growling monster waiting around the corner that they charge alone and in tandem to discover, only to burst into high-pitched laughter as soon as they meet him eye to eye.

They feed themselves with a spoon (although their aim could use some work), and gosh does Momma make them awesome food.

They are growing up so, so fast. And they make us laugh so dang much it hurts. Here, enjoy these pictures and see for yourself.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Word Play

The girls, with two teeth freshly grown in on the tops and bottoms, are now experimenting with language constantly. One of them has suddenly begun picking up a variety of words and loves repeating them, including "baby" (which usually means her sister), "fish" (usually pronounced "ish"), "more," "Rory" ("aora"), "Dadda" (yes!), "knee," and "ball." All animals are of course "woof woofs." Her sister loves saying "woof woof" too. She has also lately taken to trying to say "fish" and "baby" as well. But her special favorite is "uh ohhh." She enjoys saying "uh ohhh" so much that she often throws things down to justify it. And both girls constantly point at things around them, then look to us for the name of it. At this rate, any day now the girls should be saying "bread maker," "sclera," and "French doors."

Meanwhile, the end of summer's warm days means fall clothing ahead, so with these photos we look back fondly on the games the girls played when clothing hardly mattered, like in their kiddie pool. We have no doubt by next summer they will be saying "backstroke."

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


We returned yesterday from a spontaneous reunion over the Labor Day Weekend with the girls' paternal family, and the girls had the chance to be with almost every uncle, aunt and first cousin on that side of the family. A few hours after our return, the girls were in their familiar playpen at home and Danni began crying. She seemed upset that her Mom had gone out of view. This happens sometimes, and we figure the tumult of the busy weekend and the trip back several hours in the van had left the girls a little frayed. Rory, on the other side of the pen, turned to her sister's cry. She walked directly across the pen to her sister, rested her head against Danni's back, and hugged her. For a solid 20 seconds. Then she sat down at her sister's feet and looked up, as if to ask, "What's the matter?" Danni turned, reached out her hand, and patted her sister on the top of her head. Her crying had stopped, at least for a moment.

As the girls turn 17 months-old today, we share this moment of what they bring to our lives and these two recent close-ups below.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Water Bugs

Well as we approach the two-month mark without an entry on this blog, we thought it was time for a quick update and a few photos. The girls are walking like crazy now, and have officially decided walking is better than crawling on all fours, although let's face it, crawling on all fours can still come in awfully handy sometimes. They had been experimenting with taking 5, 10, 15 steps at a time, and then two weeks ago, on a memorable Friday, we watched as they stood up in the playpen and it was almost as if we could see them concluding: Yes, we shall walk. And away they went.

So with walking nearly mastered (and running not far behind, by all signs), Rory and Danni have decided it's time to begin thinking about the next mode of transportation. Driving laws being what they are, the girls for the time being seem to have chosen swimming as the next mode. On our recent vacation to Ithaca, we brought them into a running stream beneath Cornell Plantations, and they loved it. Back home, we had already taken them for their first dip in our pool, and their faces lit up with joy, so much so that we try to make swimming a daily event. Meanwhile, the kiddie pool out back provides lots of opportunities for splashing. Occasionally the girls decide to dip their heads under water just to see what happens. And when the brook, the pool, and the kiddie pool aren't available, there is always bath time, which they just love.

These shots capture some moments from the little mermaids' recent swimming expeditions, plus one shot just to prove, if only to ourselves, that in fact sometimes the girls do sleep.

Monday, May 31, 2010

A Memorable Day

Today, the girls were continuing their practice standing. When one daughter looked her Daddy in the eye as he sat a couple feet away in the playpen, reached out a hand for his and, without hesitation, took a few hesitant steps, and then more. Her face beamed with excitement. Daddy was speechless. And she did not want to stop. Daddy rose to his feet. She kept her hand in his, lightly, barely, and there she was, walking with her father back and forth across the pen, one little foot after the other. Then Daddy noticed her sister watching, her face full of curiosity, her smile wide. She wanted to try too, and without leaning on anything, she rose to her feet and held out her hands to Daddy as her sister sat down for a rest. Now her hands were in Daddy's, and she took her turn, and soon, there they were, both of them, stepping forward, and they didn't want to stop: when one was walking with her hand (or hands) in her Daddy's, the other was rising to her feet, waiting for her turn. Back and forth they went, one after the other, journey after journey, and sometimes together, one hand in each of Dad's, all three of them walking together. Their Dad was shaking his head in disbelief, calling for their Momma. She knew something was up. She entered the room wondering what...and there were her daughters walking with their Daddy.


Then, just an hour later, Mom reached into one of the girl's mouths and found it: her first tooth! That explains the last week of rough sleeping.

That explains why we will always remember this Memorial Day.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Two by Two

As the girls move toward their 14th month, they are standing at every opportunity; moving quicker and quicker along stationary objects, mostly the fence of their playpen, especially during their new favorite game, "smack down" with Dad; and convincing us that they'll be walking, maybe even dancing, by summer's end. So as Memorial Day Weekend unfolds, we offer a retrospective on the girls' move from the prone position, to sitting, to feeding themselves, to crawling (including all over each other). Enjoy. (Once you get to the Picasa folder via that hyperlink, try the slideshow button.)

Soon these are likely to seem the girls' quiet days of yesteryear....

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Height, Weight and Jive

Monday's well-baby doctor's visit report: all excellent, featuring this news: Rory is now 30 inches tall (that's 2 1/2 feet in the scouting charts) and 20 lbs. and 6 ounces. Danni is 29 inches and 18 lbs. and 10 ounces (and gaining fast). Nice head sizes too, the doc says, which, sorry, is no surprise in this family.

Meanwhile, we were glad to have our friend Jordan in town this weekend. She's a professional photographer, and sent us these lovely shots. Enjoy.

The big motor-skill news: the girls are dancing now. Put on a little music and watch them jive, Rory bopping her head and torso up and down and Danni raising her elbows along her sides, like she was ready for some country shucking, and swinging them. Watch out Dancing with the Stars....

Friday, April 23, 2010

Sound and Motion

These days the girls' favorite exercise is pulling themselves to a standing position. They'll do it against whatever surface they can find -- the fencing of their playpen, the rails of their cribs, each other, the leg of Mom or Dad. It is only a matter of time before they are sprinting around the house.

But their primary means of locomotion is still the belly crawl. They've gotten so good at it, it now takes about a high-speed camera to capture them in motion. Every now and then, just to spice things up even more, they get on their hands and knees and zip past.

As our little babies pick up speed, we look back fondly on when they were just beginning to go mobile. On February 3, the girls first crawled. We happened to have the video recorder going that night. So here are their first crawls, live on video. First Danni, then Rory, demonstrates the power of will.

Thrilled by the capacity to get on their own from one place to another, they had within weeks created their own new game together -- playing tag. If the sound effects of their laughter don't make you smile, just hang on for the kicking legs with which they celebrate having fun side by side.

Saturday, April 17, 2010


Leo, our brave and beautiful child, our big brother: We miss you. We love you.
Momma, Daddy, Rory and Danni

Here in the comments is Matt Quinn's lovely eulogy for Leo from last year's service.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Babies in overalls

With the spring upon us, and yardwork to be done, our girls have suited up. All they need now are sun hats and the keys to the lawn mower.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Danni and Rory send everyone a big Happy St. Patrick's Day smile! (see picture below)

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Reading for Leo

On Tuesday, February 23, we sponsored a reading at the Bucknell Stadler Center for Poetry to honor Leo and to say thank you to the many friends and colleagues, especially in the Bucknell community, who were so kind to us in the aftermath of Leo's passing.

The poet was the accomplished Michael Blumenthal, whose reading that evening was touching, warm and humorous all at once. We are grateful to Michael for the memorable reading.

Our special thanks go to everyone who turned out on that rainy evening, especially Leo's paternal grandparents, who drove several hours to be there; his Great Uncle Jerry and Great Aunt Kathy, who also journeyed several hours for the event; and our dear friend Dianne, who drove more than five hours from Jefferson, Ohio to be there.

Leo's father made opening remarks on behalf of both of us and our children, and you can read those if you like in the comments section, where they're posted as the easiest way to provide them on this blog. Our colleague Robert kindly took pictures of the event, and you can see those here, featuring Leo's grandparents, Mr. Blumenthal, our friend and poet Shara (who runs the Stadler Center), our friend Laura (holding Rory), Dianne with all of us, and Danni's Mom holding her in a beautiful set of photos that Robert captured.

Monday, February 22, 2010

The girls at work and play

At 10 1/2 months, the girls have become eating, crawling, exploring, non-stop motion-machines. Did we mention eating? Our little ladies eat A LOT, twice a day consuming enough peas, carrots and rice or millet cereal to stuff a sack, so to speak. Maybe it's because the colors of their food look like the Irish flag? Either way, they love the mush. It gives them more energy to nurse a few times a day, to pull themselves along on their bellies at any object in sight, and, as these pictures show, even to read and do laundry when they're not, apparently, discussing the day's menu.

We are confident they are working their way up to mastering another skill, sleeping through the night. For now, that's not quite happening though, but we did manage to get one quick shot of them at rest, before they awoke again -- time for more peas! Here we see our dear friend and family member Father Jim Stanley (the man who married us) visiting from Ireland two weeks ago to make sure Rory got her dinner the way she likes it, by the spoonful.

Crawling?! Yes, two-a-half weeks ago, they went mobile, and now already are ready for an obstacle course. More on that coming soon.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Big Girls

Rory and Danni are 9 3/4 months old now, and had their latest pediatrician's visit today. Rory is 27.5 inches long and 16.1 lbs, while Danni is 26 3/4 inches long and 13.825 lbs. The doctor is delighted with their growth, and took special note of the size of their heads, apparently a mark of big brains and meaningful growth. The girls tried out their new chess set on the way home.

The last few weeks the girls have become exceedingly active moving around on their bellies, and we, and the doctor, expect crawling is not far off. They are incredibly alert to their surroundings. They also have demonstrated tremendous grips, able with one hand to lift a book, a cell phone, a piece of fruit, and just about anything not tied down within reach. That is, lift it, study it, bring it to their mouths, and study it some more, as they are endlessly curious. We have placed ankle weights around the dogs to avoid surprises.

The last few weeks, the girls also have shown increasing interest in one another -- in touching each other's faces, ears, and hair, in watching what sister is doing, in smiling at sister too, and, in fact, in taking whatever toy the other is enjoying. But they are not possessive, so they allow the toy to be "borrowed" and after a moment of perplexity in which they seem to be thinking, "That's questionable," they move on to the next toy. Meanwhile, they are vocalizing constantly, testing out their lungs (very, very, very strong, and, maybe it's just us, but stronger in direct proportion to the hour of the night), trying out their vowels, and we are sure "Dada" and "Mamma" are coming soon.

Here's four new pictures, two of each of the little ladies soon to be sprinting through the house, with a large object, probably a dog, in each hand.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


The last three nights, the girls have gone to 10:30. We can hardly believe it. Is this the start of something new? The dawn of rest? All we know is we are enjoying it one night at a time. The girls do wake a few times, very lightly, during the night, but as they sleep beside Momma, they quickly nurse and go back to sleep, while Mom and Dad wake every morning, actually refreshed, look over at each other and wonder if it indeed has happened again like it did the night before. The picture here gives you an idea of how happy this makes us -- all of us.